I. |
Papel que dió Don Diego de Ibarra al Conde de Medellin que refiere el Viaje que hazen Galeones y flotas hasta volver a España. |
Paper that Don Diego de Ibarra gave to the Count of Medellin which tells about the voyage made by Galleons and “flotas” until their return to Spain. |
13 July 1671 |
II. |
Copia de ono Papel que dió el señor Don Diego de Ibarra al señor Conde de Medellin sobre la Navegazion que haze la flota de Nueva España. |
Copy of a paper that Don Diego de Ibarra gave to the Count of Medellin concerning the navigation of the “Flota” of New Spain. |
Madrid, 15 July 1671 |
III. |
Derrotero desde San Lucar de Barrameda a las felipinas yendo por los estrechos de Magallanes y San Vizente, hecho por los capitanes Gonzalo de Nodal y Bartolome Garzia de Nodal su hermano y Diego Ramirez de Arellano conmographo (sic). |
Logbook from San Lucar de Barrameda to the Philippines by way of the Straits of Magellan and Saint Vincent, made by the captains Gonzalo de Nodal y Bartolome Garzia de Nodal, his brother and Diego Ramirez de Arellano cosmographer. |
30 September 1619 |
IV. |
Razón de la ciudad de Cartagena de las Indias y sus fortificaziones lo que necessita de reparo en ellas para su defensa, de las partes por donde puede ser imbadida y loque puede disponerese para embarazarlo hizóla el Marques de Manzera quando iba por Virrey al Peru para imbiarla a su Majestad. |
Memorial about the city of Cartagena in the Indies and its fortifications, about what repairs are necessary in them for their defence about the places where it can be invaded and what can be done to prevent it. It was prepared by the Marquis of Manzera on his way to Peru as a viceroy so as to send it to His Majesty. |
Undated |
V. |
Papel que dió al Rey nuestro Señor el Conde Pedro de Leussarra en 23 de henero de 1627 remitido con Decreto al Comissario de Indias en orden al (illegible) buen gobierno y aumento de las Islas Phelippinas delo que combendria que no hubiesen comerzio con Piru y Nueva España, sino es con Castilla por el cavo de Buena esperanza. |
Paper given to the King our lord by the Count Pedro de Leussarra on the 23rd January 1627 remitted with decree to the commissary of the Indies in respect of (illegible) the good government and development of the Philippine Islands, that it would be good that they should not carry trade with Peru and New Spain but instead with Castile by way of the Cape of Good Hope. |
23 January 1627 |
VI. |
Discurso sobre la comvenienzias que resultarian al servizio de S.M. de que la armada que ba a cargo del General Don Lorenzo de Zuaszola para socorro de las Islas Phelippinas fuese por el estrecho de Magallanes o el de San Vizente al Mar del Sur y que prosiguiese despues su viaje. |
Discourse about the advantages which would result for the service of His Majesty if the fleet which is to sail under the command of Don Lorenzo de Zuaszola for the relief of the Philippine Islands did pass through the Strait of Magellan or that of Saint Vincent to the Sea of the South (Pacific), so that after having insured the safety of the coasts of Peru, it should arrive to Callao and afterwards proceed on its voyage. |
Undated circa 1619 |
VII. |
Senor El Conde de Santisteban, Marques de Moya, dize que por cartas del Marques de Villena su padre ha entendido el infeliz estado en que al presente se halla … |
Sir, The Count of Santisteban, Marquis de Moya, says that by letters from his father, the Marquis of Villena, he has heard about the unfortunate situation in which he finds himself at present … |
Incomplete and undated, about 1640 or after. |
El padre Juan de Andossilla publico este papel con motibo de las controversias que sucedieron el Año de 1680 en la Isla de San Gabriel que ocupaban Portugesses y fue atacada por Joseph Parro, gobernador de Buenos ayres y degollada la guarnizión Portuguessa cuyo casso (sic) motivo a las dos Coronas a nombrar juezes para que difiniessen los terminos de la América entre las dos Coronas e uno dellos fue el padre Andossilla. |
Father Juan de Andossilla (should be Andosilla) published this paper because of the controversies which occurred in the year 1680 in the island of San Gabriel that was occupied by Portuguese and was attacked by Joseph Parro, governor of Buenos Ayres and the Portuguese garrison was slaughtered which caused both Crowns to appoint judges so that they may define the limits in America between the two Crowns and one of them was Father Juan Andosilla (sic). |
Madrid, 28 November 1680 |
IX. |
Copia de consulta del consejo de estade (sic) de Indias a la Reyna Me (madre) año de 1667. |
Copy of a memo from the Council of state (crossed out) of the Indies to the Queen Mother in the year 1667. |
Madrid, 29 December 1667 |
X. |
Los puntos que se hablo al Rey de Inglaterra antes que partiese de España a tomar posesion de su Corona y Reyno o bien tratarlos con el Marques de Ormond, o qualquier otro (illegible) que imviase el Rey. |
The points which were discussed with the King of England before he left Spain to take possession of his crown and kingdom or to be discussed with the Marquis of Ormond or any other (illegible – maybe minister) sent by the King. |
Undated |
XI. |
El Rey. Por quanto por cedula mia fecha a dos de Otubre del año passado de 608 ordenê y mandê que ningun estrangero destos mis Reynos pudiese tratar, ni contratar en las Indias …. |
I the King, in as much as by a decree of mine dated 2nd October of the past year 1608 I ordered and commanded that no alien of these my kingdoms should be allowed to engage on trade or commerce in the Indies … |
Madrid, 25 December 1616 |
XII. |
Repuesta a las Filipicas. |
Reply to the “Filipicas”. |
Madrid, 1 April 1615 |
Printed memo concerning the search of silver from the galleon Santa Margarita (sunk in 1622) by Francisco Nuñez Melian “tesorero de la santa cruzada” (treasurer of the Holy Crusade) “en las Islas de Barlovento” (in the Windward Islands). |
By “Doctor Blas Gonçales de Ribero, Abogado en los Reales Consejos y de la Santa y General Inquisición” – “Doctor Blas Gonçales de Ribero, advocate in the Royal Councils and of the Holy General Inquisition”. |
Post. to 1622 |
XIV. |
Relación sumaria. |
Prado's MS see separate study |
Undated |
XV. |
Relazión del coste que tiene el Azogue que se remite a Nueva españa desde Castilla. |
Report about the cost of the quicksilver which is sent to New Spain from Castile. |
Undated |
XVI. |
Voto (?) de separar los metales de oro y plata en Potossi. |
? concerning the separation of gold and silver in Potosi. |
2 dates: 1st section, ending leaf 123 b, Mexico, 7 September 1610. 2nd section, ending leaf 125 a, Mexico, 3 November 1610. |
El padre Maestro Alonso deça y el padre Maestro Juan açor y el padre Alonso de montoya de la compania de Jesus residentes en el collegio de Alcala leeron las dudas y conclusiones de atras que Un religioso de la orden de Sto domingo avia puesto y responden a ellas por los capitulos y conclusiones siguientes. |
Father Master Alonso deça and Father Master Juan Acor and Father Alonso de Montoya of the Company of Jesus, living in the college of Alcala have read the doubts and conclusions expressed by a friar of the order of St Dominic and they answer them in the following chapters and conclusions. |
1578 |
Estas tres hojas y media hasta donde esta la mano se sacaron de unos scriptos que el padre maestro deça leyo en Alcala. |
These three and a half leaves up to where there is the hand were taken from scripts which Father master deça read in Alcala. |
Undated |
XIX. |
Razon de lo que se paga a S.M. de derechos e imposiciones asi de la plata que se trae de la Cudad de los Reyes a espana, como de la ropa procedida della, que se vuelve emplen da en cargazones surtidas por los siguientes. |
Relation about what is paid to His Majesty in duties and taxes as well on the silver which is brought from the City of Kings (Lima, Peru) to Spain, as on merchandise coming from it, which is used in cargoes supplied by the following (people?). |
Undated |
XX. |
Relación del subseco e ymbasion dal Castillo de Chagre y ciudad de Panama por Henrique Morgan. |
Report on the event (?) and attack of the castle of Chagre and the city of Panama by Henry Morgan. |
Undated |
XXI. |
Relación de los fundamentos informes y pareceres que por una y otra parte se han deducido, y visto en el consejo de las Indias sobre si se ha de abrir el comercio que solia aver entre el Peru, i Nueve Espana o continuarse la suspension o prohibición que del corre. |
Report concerning the basic information and opinions which have been devised on the one and on the other sides and seen in the Council of the Indies as to whether the trade which used to exist between Peru and New Spain should be allowed or whether the suspension or interdiction of it which now exists should be maintained. |
Post 1640 |
Copia de un Decreto de la Reyna nusstra señora al señor Conde de Penaranda fecha 6 de henero de 1671 remitiendole unos papeles tocantes a Indias para que habiendolos visto diese su parecer y del que dió el Almirante / y or el general / Don Diego de Ibarra, a quien el conde selos entrego. |
Copy of a decree of the Queen, our Mistress, to the Count of Penaranda, dated 6th of January 1671 remitting to him a few papers concerning the Indies so that, after having seen them, he may give his opinion and that of the admiral (and?) general Don Diero de Ibarra, to whom the Count gave the. |
Madrid, 17th January 1671 |
Relazion de Puertobelo y sus Castillos del da Chagre y de la Costa que ay (illegible) a otra parte. |
Report about Portobelo and its castles (fortresses), that of Chagre and of the coast that there is …. On the other side. |
Probably August 1639, according to the dates on the plans enclosed. |
Copia de la declaración que hiço Carlos Henrique clerque, de Nación Aleman, en la ciudad y puerto de Valdivia con ocasion de aver entrado este sujeto por el estrecho de Magallanes al mar del Sur en una fregata inglesa en que refiere diferentes yntentos y disignios de Carlos Segundo, Rey de la gran Bretana su fecha es de 28 de henero de 1671 años. |
A copy of the declaration made by Charles Henry clerque (?), of German nationality, in the city and port of Vadivia (Chile) on account of having entered this subject, by way of the Straits of Magellan, into the Sea of the South (Pacific) on an English frigate; in which he tells about various intentions and designs of Charles II, King of Great Britain; its date is 28 January 1671. |
28 January 1671 |
XXV. |
Discurso con que se representa cuanto conviene embiar socorros considerables a las Indias para asegurar que no agan (sic) en ellas mayor progresos los enemigos y lo que deve hazerce para echarlos de lo que an ocupado con muchas advertencias tocantes a su bueno gobierno y que el comercio sea m.. (illegible, maybe mayor). |
Discourse in which is shown how necessary it is to send considerable reinforcements to the Indies in order to make sure that the enemies make no further progress there, and about what should be done to throw them out from what they have occupied, with many remarks concerning their good administration (of the Indies) and concerning the increase (?) of their trade. |
Undated |
El Consejo de Indias representa a Vuestra Majestad lo que se le ofrece sobre los capitulos 6, 7 y 16 de la Instrucción para el General de la Armada de Barlovento. |
The Council of the Indies represent to Your Majesty what offers itself under the chapters 6, 7 and 16 of the instructions for the general of the fleet (of the Islands) Windward. |
The instructions themselves were given in 1646 and the date of the MS is 9 December 1664. |
Consulta del Consejo de Estado a la Reyna Gobernadora sobre otras dos del consejo de Indias y Junta de Guerra representa lo que se ofrece en quanto a la resolzion tomada de Holandeses de pasar a las Indias a dessalojar a francezes de la Isla de Tortuga y otros puertos que ocu an en ellas. |
Memo of the Council of State to the Queen Regent about two others (memos) from the Council of the Indies and the Council of War. It represents how the situation offers itself as concerns the resolution made by the Dutch to pass to the Indies in order to dislodge Frenchmen from the Island of Tortuga and other ports which they occupy there. |
17 July 1674 |
Consulta del Consejo de Indias a 29 de Julio de 1664 al Rey del estado y apresto de la Armada de Barlovento y medios prezisos para concluirle. |
Memo of the Council of the Indies of July 29th 1664 to the King concerning the state and fitting of the Fleet of Windward and the means necessary to finish that. |
29 July 1664 |
Discurso de Don Rodrigo de Aguiar y Acuña del Consejo y Camara de Indias satisfaciendo a otro de quan combeniente seria que cada año se sacasse una esquadra del Armada del Oceano para traer la plata de las Indias y que lo que se gasta en el apresto de Galeones se aplique a la Armada. |
Dissertation by Don Rodrigo de Aguiar y Acuna of the Council and Chamber of the Indies convincing another as to how good (suitable) it would be to detach a squadron from the Fleet of the Ocean (Atlantic) to bring the silver from the Indies and that what is spent on the fitting out of the galleons should be spent on the Fleet. |
Undated |
XXX. |
Consideraziones sobre si conviene o no que los consejeros del Real (Consejo) do Indias en esta corte sean dellos que han servido en las audiencias de ellas. |
Considerations as to whether the councillors of the Royal Council of the Indias in this Court should or should not be of those who have served in the audiencas of the Indies. |
Undated |
Memorial para los señores presidente y oydores del Real Consejo de las Indias, para lo tocante a la mudança de la moneda de bellon de la Isla Espanola, sobre que se ha dado arbitrio estos dias. |
Memorial for the president and the auditors of the Royal Council of the Indies concerning the change of the vellon currency of the Island of Hispaniola (S. Domingo), about which a judgement (?) (opinion ruling?) has been given these days (lately). |
Undated |
Relacion de los Inconvenientes y daños que sa an seguido contro la hazienda de su Majestad en la fundicion que se a hecho de la Artilleria y minas de cobre de la isla de Cuba. |
Report about the inconveniences and damages which have occurred to the prejudice of the Crown in the melting which has been made of the artillery and the copper ‘minas”? of the island of Cuba. |
Undated |
A Don carlos de Aragon, duque de Villa Hermosa, Conde de (R?) icallo, presidente del Consejo de Portugal. |
To Don Carlos of Aragon Duke of Villa Hermosa, Count of (R?)icallo, president of the council of Portugal. |
The relation was presented on 30 September 1629. |
Discurso que hizo Don Fernando de Toldeo señor de Higueras del Consejo de guerra de su Majestad y su Maestro de Campo General del Reyno de Portugal sobre la forma de la guerra, que debia hacerse con la armada que se embiaba de socorro al Brasil para su restaurazión. |
Discourse by Don Fernando de Toldeo, lord of Migueres, of the Council of War of His Majesty and his commander in chief in the kingdom of Portugal about the form of warfare which should be carried with the fleet sent as reinforcement to Brazil for its recovery. |
Probably about 1640 |