Photographs of construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge by Albert George Mitchell

Title Date
1. Turning of 1st sod, N. Sydney Tunnel, about end July 1923. Taken from NW corner junction Blue St & L C [Lane Cove?] Rd 1923
2. Turning of 1st sod, New Tunnel, N Sydney, about end July 1923. Taken from Lane Cove Rd near flats 1923
3. Turning of 1st sod, N. Sydney Tunnel, about end July 1923. 1923
4. Harbour View. Dawes Pt right, present Milsons Pt Station foreground. Bridge should appear from about tall chimney stack on right, just clearing background, last qr 1923 1923
5. Milson’s Pt, Dawes Pt in distance. Future Bridge, oblique view should occupy upper part of right end of picture, dipping to almost touching tall chimney stack in left centre, last qr. 1923 1923
6. The Bridge Site. Almost direct along (but under) proposed Bridge from lower left end picture to right of tall chimney stack, Dawes Pt, last qr. 1923 1923
7. The “White Elephant” Station, Lavender Bay, to be remodelled and used while Bridge is under construction. Escalades to be erected up bank on left to tram. Bridge will appear in distance from tall chimney stack visible in back (right) to behind cliff left, last qr 1923 1923
8. Harbour View. Milson’s Pt on right. Large steamer fairway departing hides Sydney Cove & Quay from view, last qr 1923. Bridge in future should appear extreme 1/2 in of picture from tall chimney stack up 1923
9. A mass of Rocks to right of completing spot of shore walk[?] looking across former gully, 1.9.23 1923
10. Dawes Point with 2 landmark trees & Barracks (& Battery) between. Taken from deck of McMahon’s Pt Ferry, 14 January 1924 1924
11. Lavender Bay - station to be used on left. Dawes Pt in distance. Bridge view in future. Taken from Lavender Bay steps, 14 January 1924 1924
12. Milsons Pt in distance. Direct Bridge view in future along the Bridgeway. Taken from few left of left red mark against fence in picture, 14 January 1924 1924
13. The Harbour. Kirribilli Pt left. Bennelong (Fort Macquarie) rt, Pinchgut (Fort Denison) distant centre, 6 ferry boats passing & one large mail boat at wharf. Taken from Dawes Pt close by the Battery, 14 January 1924 1924
14. The area since excavated where sod was turned in 1923 for new N. Sydney railway in connection with Harbour Bridge. At back of excavation in distance the tunnel will start to emerge at Bay Rd – old line. Taken from entrance to area in Walker St (?), 14 January 1924 1924
15. Panoramic 2. Dawes Pt. Reserve, fort, & old buildings. Future Bridge should be high up in picture from left upper tree, 15.1.24 1924
16. Not panoramic but neraly so. W of CT2. 3 City Tops from site of South (central) end of proposed Bridge. Dark Building from York St N. Part of the Clock Tower in centre distant, 15.1.24 1924
17. At present Police Station, Dawes Point, part formerly old Barrack Buildings. Battery is hidden in front of buildings, 15.1.24 1924
18. Panoramic 1. The City Tops, also Gloucestor St., taken from about south end of Bridge contract, up above York St N., 15.1.24 1924
19. Panoramic 2. The City Tops also small pt[?] Gloucester St, & more York St N. Roadway horse & motor should run into this or else a footway, 15.1.24 1924
20. Panoramic 1. Dawes Point. Vehicular Ferry dock & Bond (Metcalf) stores George St N from above water’s edge, 15.1.24 1924
21. York St. North looking N should alter much in appearance during & after building of Bridge, 15.1.24 1924
22. Old Barracks, Dawes Pt. should be just clear of the Bridge structure, taken from a spot about central in west half of bridge walk[?], 15.1.24 1924
23. Very North end of York St N. Marine offices (sailor [?]) on right in front of huge stack is last building. Mound on left is site of end of Bridge, which in future should appear obliquely on & dipping to centre of picture, 15.1.24 1924
24. Holy Trinity Church in foreground & N Sydney beyond. The new Railway will come from new Bridge in centre of picture, elevated above road to left of church, 15.1.24 1924
25. The Fig Trees, Observty. Hill [Observatory Hill]. Houses in Kent St below on left. Rly Line to N. Sydney will be in view later on over these roofs, 15.1.24 1924
26. In Kent St. below Observ. Hill [Observatory Hill]. Line of Railway elevated will come above these houses, 15.1.24 1924
27. Panoramic 3. Dawes Pt. part of old Barracks & actual point. Future Bridge should cross picture above level of tree top, 15.1.24 1924
28. Bridge site possibly appear behind & above the 2 near chimneys. Taken from elevated junction of Jeffrey & Upper Pitt Sts, 17.1.24 1924
29. Campbell St. North Sydney, looking west towards Alfred St. Bridge should appear high up above roofs of houses from the lady in white back to a lane. Taken 17.1.24 1924
30. Grantham St. looking South from near Burton St. This should entirely disappear & be occupied by Kirribilli Station. Taken 17.1.24 1924
31. Fitzroy St looking East from near Alfred St. New Railway should cross overhead a bit between the 2 near trees seen on the right. End of Broughton Road opposite on left to shady tree. Taken 17.1.24. Grantham St ends (steps) below 2 nearest telegraph pol[es] 1924
32. Pitt St. North Sydney, looking west to Alfred St. from this lower part of street itself about where 1st lane (other picture) comes in on right. Railway & Bridge will be well elevated about 2nd telegraph pole. Taken 17.1.24 1924
33. Campbell St. North Sydney looking East towards Jeffrey St. Bridge should appear well elevated where gabled terrace is. Taken 17.1.24 1924
34. Broughton Rd looking South towards Fitzroy St. Part of right side should be occupied by new Railway. Taken 17.1.24 1924
35. Willoughby Rd. N. Sydney looking towards Alfred St. Congregational ? Church at back, Grantham St ends on left beyond terrace & Brisbane St begins on right lower left corner. New Railway about Telegraph post & beyond on left. Taken 17.1.24 1924
36. Pitt St. North Sydney, looking East from near Alfred St. Elevated junction Jeffrey & upper Pitt St seen white handrail in distance from where a view of Pitt St. was taken. New Railway & Bridge should appear elevated between 2 lanes on left. Taken 17.1.24 1924
37. Fitzroy St. N. Sydney looking towards Alfred St. with end of Broughton Rd on right. New railway should have its Eastern boundary the other side of the tree. Grantham St ends with steps at end of wall Rt. Taken 17.1.24 1924
38. Broughton Rd looking North with Burton St crossing. Taken 17.1.24 1924
39. Pitt St. North Sydney looking west towards Alfred St from elevated part of Jeffrey & Pitt Sts. 2 lanes showing coming in on right. New Railway & bridge should cross halfway between 2 lanes at considerable elevation. Taken 17.1.24 1924
40. Burton Rd (?) looking west to Alfred St. Grantham Rd seen crossing both sides. Kirribilli Station & railway thereto elevated should show on right & from left. Taken 17.1.24 1924
41. View from corner Jeffrey & Pitt St (SE corner) looking into where a big terrace stood N W up to Fitzroy St.. Bridge approaches will eventually appear in this picture right across the picture. The terrace can be seen in a former picture of Pitt St taken 17.1.24 1924
42. Alfred St looking North from place nearly opposite Lavender Bay Rd corner showing same shops as in another snap. New Railway should cross a bit overhaed halfway along the shops. Taken 17.1.24 1924
43. Alfred St. looking South from N E corner Junction St. The new railway will cross about centre of shops on right somewhat overhead. Taken 17. 1. 24 1924
44. Grantham St. looking South nearer harbour than the other or from near Fitzroy St. Foreground of this should disappear for approach to Kirribilli Station. Taken 17.1.24 1924
45. Burton Rd (?) looking east from Alfred St. Grantham Rd crosses where both telegraph poles are. New Railway will cross elevated a bit about same place. Kirribilli Station will be on left. Taken 17.1.24 1924
46. The Bridge site will appear from Dawes Pt centre distance to Milsons Pt this side beyond church St Aloysius. Taken from elevated footpath on north side of Upper Pitt St almost at corner of road coming in. Taken early[?] 1924 1924
47. Walker St. N. Sydney looking South to Harbour (visible) from Blue St. New Railway will cross next to corner building on right into what will be North Sydney Station. Terrace on left will be demolished. Taken 24.2.24 1924
48. Site of North Sydney Station (to be) from higher up (west) Blue St corner of it & Upper William St. Terrace in Walker St to go. A future view should show new station & line coming in from Kirribilli Stn with bend between, now hidden by terrace. Taken 24.2.24 1924
49. Site of North Sydney Station (to be) corner of Blue St & Lane Cove Rd. Excavations where 1st sod turned in Aug. 1923 are hidden below fence. Tunnel there commences to emerge near Bay Rd Stn. Terraces in Walker St centre to disappear. Kirribilli Heights in middle distance. Taken from top of cliffs in William St (?), 24.2.24 1924
50. Dismantling the High Level from unused station near Milson’s Pt, preparing for remodelling of station and erecting Escaliers (stairs) up to left. Taken 24.2.24 1924
51. In connection with approaches to temporary wharf & station in Lavender Bay east side. Glen St where tram should come from Alfred St into Glen & form a loop up past observer & out into Alfred St. Old steps leading into formerly unused station & white[?] heap stone will be entrance by travelling stairs to rail & boat. Taken 24.2.24 1924
52. In connection with the N S Bridge ? looking SE from _ at site of future bridge. Dawes Pt on right. SS Mooltan near centre alongside Fort Macquarie. Kirribilli & Milsons Pt next on left. Taken 24.2.24 1924
53. N. Sydney tram alterations on a/c of Bridge to be built. Dind St from Glen St. looking towards Alfred St. Preparing the tram lines. Taken after Feb. 1924 1924
54. N. Sydney tram alterations on a/c of Bridge to be built. Dind St from Alfred looking towards Glen St. Preparing for tram lines. Taken after Feb. 1924 1924
55. N. Sydney tram alterations on a/c of Bridge to be built. Glen St from nr Dind St end, laying of tram lines. Taken after Feb. 1924 1924
56. N. Sydney tram alterations on a/c of Bridge to be built. Glen St. from N end looking towards Dind St end. Taken after Feb. 1924 1924
57. North Shore Bridge Series. From Dawes Pt to Milsons Pt taken from Fort Macquarie Green (Benelong [sic.] Pt). Will show whole bridge except extreme ends on land. Taken 29.3.24 1924
58. North Shore Bridge Series. From fence seen in another picture, overlooking Milsons Pt Station, & tram & ferry cover all to disappear in few months. Future picture will show bridge obliquely, 29.3.24 1924
59. North Shore Bridge Series. Looking south down Alfred St to Sydney Harbour from near corner of Pitt St (?). Bridge will appear crosssing far centre of picture (Harbour), 29.3.24 1924
60. North Shore Bridge Series. Nr Alfred St corner Campbell St almost in line of Bridge perhaps a very slight oblique view of its western side, 29.3.24 1924
61. North Shore Bridge Series. Approach to Vehicular Ferry & Passenger Ferry, & Tram Terminus. Bridge will loom largely in upper part of picture in future, 29.3.24 1924
62. North Shore Bridge Series. From P&O wharf centre of east side of Sydney Cove. Will show southern end of Bridge to about end of Dawes Pt, 29.3.24 1924
63. City Railway & Bridge Series. Lower Fort St, looking north with Fig Tree by Dawes Pt Old Battery at end of street. Trinity Church on right. Both City Railway & Bridge should appear in this picture. Taken 9.4.24, Fleet Day 1924
64. City Railway Series. The Quay. Only glimpse available from Macquarie St just by southern edge of tunnel opening (above it) which will go under Conservatorium & Macquarie St up to St James's Station, 29.3.24. Brand on Macquarie [?] City Railway 1918 1924
65. City Railway & Bridge Series. Trinity Church (left) & Argyle Cut looking East. The overhead City Railway leading on to Bridge should pass across the picture, 9.4.24 (Fleet Day) 1924
66. City Railway & Bridge Series. Kent St North, looking north. Building on right lie under Observatory Hill cliffs. City Rly probably pass over these houses which may be resumed & demolished. Taken Fleet Day 9.4.24 1924
67. Bridge & N Shore Rly Series. View of upper part of Escolaires Lavendar Bay taken from moving train 4/5/24 1924
68. Bridge & N Shore Rly Series. View Bay View Road End. A large culvert to carry the Rly over the creek & on into the new Tunnel. Taken from moving train 4.5.24 1924
69. Bridge & N Shore Rly Series. 2nd view of the Escolaires expected to be in use in Aug '24. Taken 4/5/24 1924
70. Bridge Series N. Sydney. Escalators further improvement in Glen St. Parramatta R beyond & Lavender Bay below. Taken 22nd June 1924 1924
71. The Bridge Series. Site of old Milsons Pt Station, Clock Tower & trams terminus shelter & wharf beyond. To be the site of Dorman Lang & Co works in connection with Bridge. Taken 13-9-24 1924
72. The Bridge Series. View from top of old station steps looking to Bridge survey mark, hidden by the car being thus directly underneath the proposed bridge. Taken 13.9.24 1924
73. The Bridge Series. New Milson's Pt Station and Wharf, escalators in distance. This is a progress view showing final alterations after a lapse of several months. Taken 13-9-24 1924
74. Bridge Series, corner Alfred & Junction Sts, 1/10/25 1925
75. Harbour Bridge Series. From Milsons Point across to Dawes Point, a progress view from former one showing top of Milson's Point old station. Taken 14.4.25 1925
76. North Sydney Series. Campbell St looking East from Alfred St, showing gap left by demolished houses on right. A progress view from one taken months previously. This taken on 14.4.25 1925
77. Progress view of Glen St terminus on 14.4.25 1925
78. Desertion of Old Milson's Point, progress view taken 14.4.25 showing demolished shops & beyond, demolished houses that fronted Campbell St. This view is direct in the line of track of the Bridge. One lorry making down for ferry which still runs from Point to Fort Macquarie 1925
79. N Sydney. Old Milsons Pt progress view showing alterations since Dorman Long & Co took possession. This is progress view on a former snap from original position, May 1925 1925
80. N. Sydney. Old Milsons Pt, progress view showing alterations since Dorman Long & Co took possession. This is a progress view on a former snap taken about same position. This one taken May 1925 1925
81. N Sydney. Progress view sometime after completion of main alterations to new Milsons Pt ferry. Shows much alteration in Glen St at new Terminus, May 1925 1925
82. N Sydney. Glen St from its north end showing finished alterations for tram & escalators. Taken long after completion, May 1925 1925
83. N Sydney. Progress view on original Campbell St view from east end. Fence is across [?] & beyond it Jeffrey St is being widened to admit to new vehicle ferry. All houses that are[?] on left have been demolished. Taken May 1925 1925
84. North Shore Bridge Series... 9.5.25 [caption partially obscurred by material adhered to verso of photograph] 1925
85. North Shore Bridge Series. Old Milsons Point progress view several months after former taking. Taken 9.5.25 1925
86. North Shore Bridge Series. Progress view after several months Glen St, looking south. The footpath in view is new since previous view was taken. This taken 9.5.25 1925
87. North Shore Bridge Series. Glen St progress view after several months. Taken 9.5.25 1925
88. The Bridge Site will appear for Dawes Pt centre distance to Milsons Pt this side beyond church St Aloysius. Taken from elevated footpath on north side Upper Pitt St, almost at corner of road coming in. Taken 15-8-25, no appreciable[?] to change to a former one 18 mos before 1925
89. Fitzroy St N Sydney looking toward Alfred St with end of Broughton Rd on right. This is end of contract on N Sydney side for Bridge. Grantham St passes alongside the cottage with 2 allies seen over the wall. Taken 15.8.25 or 19 mos after a former one 1925
90. Bridge Series. Progress view from Upper Pitt St N.S, showing where the terraces have been demolished on the right hand (N) side. Taken 16.8.25 1925
91. Bridge Series. Part of Pitt St, closer view of site of demolished houses on N side up to FitzRoy Rd end of Bridge contract. New street on right not yet opened. Taken 16.8.25 1925
92. Bridge Series. Progress view along Lower Pitt St looking west, showing site of former terraces, both sides demolished. Former traffic to Old Milsons Pt Vehicular Ferry now comes along Pitt St & turns down a new street (to[?] new ferry at part of Jeffrey St. Taken 16.8.25 1925
93. Bridge Series. Dawes Pt from ferry boat between McMahon's Pt & Quay, showing fair amount of alteration in preparation for bridge. This is partly a progress view. Taken 16.8.25 1925
94. Panoramic no 3. From kitchen window (south). Cammaray [sic.] Point & portions of Middle Harbour extreme southern ends about 28-11-25 1925
95. Bridge Series. Alfred St, N. Sydney progress view showing demolition of buildings left hand (E) side. Taken 31-1-26 1926
96. Bridge Series. New view showing demolished block of buildings in Alfred St east side taken from [?] Junction St, 31.1.26 1926
97. Bridge Series. A progress view showing extensive demolition directly between top of high dump & Congregational Church & north of Willoughby St. Taken 31.1.26 1926
98. Bridge Series. Progress view, from top of high dump just north of Willoughby St, looking [?] nearly south. Taken 31.1.26 1926
99. Bridge Series. View from Fitzroy St east of proposed end of Bridge & looking in direction of Bridge to Dawes Pt. A new street shown & work in connection with N end of bridge contract. Taken 31.1.26 1926
100. Bridge Series. Willoughby St. N Sydney progress view showing demolition of buildings right hand side. Taken 31.1.26 1926
101. Harbour Bridge Series. Taken 18th Sept 1926 from alongside Dawes Pt Vehicular Ferry. Progress view showing change 1926
102. Harbour Bridge Series. Taken from upper deck of Milson's Pt Ferry, progress view on Sat 18 Sept 1926. Fig tree & tall chimney still show & the terrain of houses nearly hidden now by scaffolding [?] of the bridge 1926
103. Harbour Bridge Series. Dorman Long & Coy's works at Milson's Point, & also the Point beyond, formerly the Railway Station. Taken 1st Oct 1926 1926
104. Harbour Bridge Series. At Dawes Point from near the Vehicular Ferry, the old fig tree portion of buildings in view & some of scaffolding and hoists. Taken 1st Oct 1926 1926
105. Bridge series. Burton Rd N Sydney looking E now used by all vehicles for the Ferry at the part of Jeffrey St. breach which a new road was made due south. This view was taken from about same position as an earlier one & shows extent of demolition to 5 Nov 1926 when taken 1926
106. 30/6/27. The Harbour Bridge. From the upper storey castway to No 1 wharf, looking across harbour to Milson's Pt, & Dorman Long & Co's assembling sheds. Derrick oversheds is northern end of Bridge 1927
107. Harbour Bridge 30/6/27. View from underneath the first span to scaffolding at Dawes Pt 1927
108. Harbour Bridge 30/6/27. View of western side of the first 2 1/2 spans from the mound at end of York St N 1927
109. Harbour Bridge 30/6/27. One of sth[?] pylons or north end of 4th span, taken from upper entrance to No 1 Wharf. Also the large derricks above the spot where the arch will start or rest. New building is Dorman Long & Co's office & store building part of the old barracks. The tree (fig) appears in several earlier snaps from Dawes Pt side 1927
110. Harbour Bridge 30/6/27. Bridge first 2 1/2 spans in far distance. Argyle Cut underneath foot street York St North some houses being demolished 1927
111. The Harbour Bridge. Dawes Point (south end), from Ferry, blurred by movement of boat, 13.8.27 1927
112. The Harbour Bridge. View from opp corner of Jeffery [sic.] St & Fitzroy St looking West to Alfred St. Steel structure is end of Bridge section. Through trees on right is railway embankment to be same height street corners Broughton St where cars pass to ferry, 27.8.27 1927
113. The Harbour Bridge. View along Fitzroy St to east from Alfred St. end showing north contract end of Bridge [?] steel section. Two of oldline of trees south footpath in view, 27.8.27 1927
114. The Harbour Bridge. View Alfred St. end of Pitt St . One of original south side trees showing line of old footpath scaffolding & cranes, 27.8.27 1927
115. The Harbour Bridge. View along Grantham(?) St looking south towards Fitzroy St. Rail Embankment on left. Steel structure end of bridge section, cranes in view mark curve in Bridge, 27.8.27 1927
116. The Harbour Bridge. View from old elevated garden now beside Rail Embankment north of Fitzroy St, N Sydney end of contract section showing part of steel section s of street, scaffolding & cranes & pylons piers, 27.8.27 1927
117. The Harbour Bridge. View of Dawes Pt end of Bridge & space to be occupied by the Arch to crane standing beyond ridge of church St Aloysius in Upper Pitt St N Sydney. Taken from west end of elevated footpath, 27.8.27 1927
118. The Harbour Bridge. From corner Alfred & Dinn St. looking down Alfred St with Pitt & Campbell off on left. Taken 27.8.27 1927
119. The Harbour Bridge. View a progress one from the bend Dinn & Glen Street looking E to Alfred St & by demolition of houses view through break to steel (north end) section of bridge which is just south of end of contract, 27.8.27 1927
120. The Harbour Bridge. View whole line of Bridge from the first steel past Fitzroy St end to Dawes Pt taken from top west edge of rail embankment high above the demolished narrow Grantham? road, 27.8.27 1927
121. The Harbour Bridge. View from Upper Pitt St by railings of Lower Pitt St, looking west. Old southern line of trees on left & Bridge scaffolding in distance, 27.8.27 1927
122. The Harbour Bridge. View looking down (west) Upper Pitt St, showing part of steel structure between Fitzroy & Pitt Sts, 27.8.27 1927
123. Bridge Series. Looking south Broughton St, showing steps up to Kirribilli Stn site about in line with Willoughby St, 1-10-27 1927
124. Bridge Series. Broughton St looking south from Burton to Fitzroy St. Church lies in on left beyond the 2 storeyed houses, 1-10-27 1927
125. Bridge Series. Broughton St from front of church. Congregational Church on left. Burton St crosses by the central post, 1-10-27 1927
126. Bridge Series. View East from front Congregational Church Alfred St, 1/10/27 1927
127. Bridge Series. Corner Alfred & Junction Sts & showing Kirribilli Station site, 1-10-27 1927
128. Bridge Series. Looking down Junction St towards Alfred St, 1-10-27 1927
129. Bridge Series. Highwall to support Kirribilli Stn. Winding continuation of Broughton St north, 1-10-27 1927
130. Bridge Series. From the old Council Chamber across Alfred St to Burton Rd. Church in Broughton St is seen left of the tree. Burton is part of the route to Vehicular Ferry, 1-10-27 1927
131. Bridge Series. Burton St looking West showing mound and traffic out of Broughton Rd to Alfred St per Burton St, 1-10-27 1927
132. Bridge Series. In Alfred St near Junction St progress view, 1-10-27 1927
133. Bridge Series. Looking up Willoughby St west to Congregational Church, Kirribilli St site elevated in centre, 1-10-27 1927
134. Bridge Series. Alfred St looking towards old Milsons Pt just opposite & above Dinds Hotel, 1-10-27 1927
135. Bridge Series. Burton St looking east, Kirribilli Stn will be on left, 1-10-27 1927
136. Bridge Series. From old Council Chambers across Alfred St to Burton Rd. Church in Broughton St is seen left of the tree. Burton St is part of route to the Vehicular Ferry, 1-10-27 1927
137. Bridge Series. Walker St after demolition, 1-10-27 1927
138. Bridge Series. Broughton St, looking North. Church on left, Kirribilli Stn will be on left, 1-10-27 1927
139. Harbour Bridge. View to eventually show the arch over the Harbour. Taken in William St behind St Peters, 8-10-27 1927
140. Harbour Bridge. Progress view to show span of arch (not yet started) but steel approaches both sides are visible. Taken from St Peters, 8-10-27 1927
141. Harbour Bridge approaches. Looking down Blue St over Miller St (Lane Cove Rd), N Sydney station site & clearing nearly down to Alfred St, 8.10.27 1927
142. 12.11.27. On Observatory Hill Sydney looking nearly South East, Kent St below on right. City Railway should pass nearly up to bottom of railings & over the houses below 1927
143. 12.11.27. Demolition in progress between York St North & Princess St looking SE towards Grosvenor Hotel in the picture. City Rail passes underneath by the Hotel in tunnel from Wynyard Sq station to outlet over Kent St 1927
144. Both ends of Harbour Bridge near left Milsons Pt end, far right Dawes Pt. Taken few days before 23/1/28 from south side Fitzroy St, west end 1928
145. Both ends of Harbour Bridge, left side Dawes Pt., right just alongside old Milsons Pt Vehicular Ferry in picture from pt of Jeffrey St. Taken few days before 23/1/28 from near east Campbell St 1928
146. Both ends of Harbour Bridge, left side Dawes Pt., right is somewhere nr Milsons Pt. Taken few days before 23/1/28 from near east Campbell St, different place to other Campbell St one 1928
147. Bridge Series, 25.9.28. The Bridge commencement of archway on Dawes Pt side. St Aloysius in the centre from an upper footpath in Upper Pitt St. RWM 1928
148. Bridge Series, 25.9.28. Lower Pitt St & Bridge from Upper Pitt St looking west. RWM 1928
149. The Bridge Series, 25.9.28. More oblique view of both ends of Bridge from bank on east side of Jeffrey St next Vehicular Ferry. Commencement of arch on Dawes Pt side 1928
150. The Bridge Series, 25.9.28. The north shore end of Bridge from next to the Astoria Flats, Kirribilli. RWM 1928
151. Bridge Series, 25.9.28. Looking west along Fitzroy St from end of Jeffrey St (RWM) 1928
152. Taken Michaelmas week Sept 1928, from ferry MacMahon's [sic.] Pt to Quay. View of commencement of arch. RWM with me 1928
153. Taken Michaelmas week Sept 1928 (RWM with me). From north edge of Observatory Hill. Trinity C of E (Millers Point), south approach to Bridge (York St N), chimney stack alongside Bridge on SE edge. This is one of a panoramic set (the right hand one of 3) 1928
154. Taken Michaelmas week 1928 Sept, RWM down, from ferry Macmahons [sic.] Pt to Quay, view commencement of arch 1928
155. The Harbour Bridge. Both ends in view, progress view to show arch taken from Observatory Hill, part of panoramic, Michaelmas 1928 1928
156. Harbour Bridge. From Observatory Hill, part of a panoramic. Taken Michaelmas vac 1928 1928
157. Harbour Bridge S. end. Showing first part of arch that end. 28.12.28, from ferry going to Hunters Hill 1928
158. Harbour Bridge S. end. Passing almost under first part on Lane Cove ferry 28.12.28, when going to play bowls at Hunters Hill 1928
159. Harbour Bridge, approaches south side York St north but further south than other snap, 23.2.29 1929
160. The Harbour Bridge, taken 23.2.29. The first span from the west side Dawes Pt no 1 wharf 1929
161. Harbour Bridge, approaches south side. York St north but further south than one other snap, 23.2.29 1929
162. The Harbour Bridge. View showing 1st span from the ferry, 23.2.29 1929
163. York St N, 23.2.29, looking south. Many houses demolished west side (right) 1929
164. Harbour Bridge. Closer view of Milsons Pt end bridge with Dawes Pt end in distance. Taken about 16/3/29 1929
165. The Harbour Bridge. Taken about 16th March 1929. Lower Alfred St showing masonry from which arch will extend to Dawes Pt 1929
166. Harbour Bridge [?]. The low arch - Burton St (?) looking through to Alfred St. Broughton St crosses in front part of picture. Taken about 16/3/29 or might have been Easter Sat 1929
167. Harbour Bridge [?]. Another view of arch over Burton St (?) and showing but not distinctly the Railway embankment and great bend to cross Alfred St & turn up by Mount St. Taken either about 16/3/29 or 2 weeks later 1929
168. Harbour Bridge. View whole stretch of arch with what will be commencement at Milson's Pt hidden by the angle of view. Taken from highbank on west side of Jeffrey St near the Vehicular Ferry wharf, about 16/3/29 1929
169. Harbour Bridge. The Eastern[?] steps up to eastern pathway to lead across Harbour Bridge. Broughton St alongside with Church in it, ab 16 or 30/3/29 1929
170. Alfred St. A looking back view from the corner of _ & Alfred St, 16 or 30/3/29 1929
171. Along Alfred St. Showing the street straight run. Wooden arch on right to cover a new road to go through, about 16 or 30/3/29 1929
172. Along Alfred St, left side where shops used to be. Trees on right of _ House. White works up centre of picture, the Rail embankments going over Walker St (?) halfway upJunction Mount St, 16 or 30/3/29 1929
173. Relics of Old Sydney (buildings). The whole frontage of the Gov Macquarie building George St north erected in 1812. Fire Station modern is beyond on corner of George St & turn to Quay. Taken Fri 5 April 1929 1929
174. The Harbour Bridge. Milsons Point end as seen from Ferry straight on view as seen in future passing under archway. Taken 5th April 1929 (Fri, Sat) 1929
175. The Harbour Bridge. Milsons Point end as seen from Ferry, Fri 5th April 1929, showing 1st stage of arch that end 1929
176. The Harbour Bridge. The Milsons Point end taken from point nearer to Alfred St from Glen St, Friday 5th April 1929 1929
177. The Harbour Bridge. Both ends in view from Alfred St about opposite the site of Campbell St, 5 April 1929 1929
178. The Harbour Bridge. The Milson's Point end, taken from nearerst pt to Glen St corner, Friday 5th April 1929 1929
179. The Harbour Bridge. Milsons Point end as seen from edge of Vehicular Ferry wharf, part of Jeffrey St, 5 April 1929 1929
180. North Sydney alterations. Walker St looking to Observatory Hill south side of Harbour. Taken about end Aug 1929 1929
181. Both ends of Bridge from Kirribilli. Taken end Aug 1929 1929
182. Alterations Kirribilli. From Kirribilli side looking through archway under new railway towards Alfred St. This is _ St, taken towards end Aug 1929 1929
183. North Sydney. Looking down Junction St to Alfred St & both ends of bridge above railway under construction, about end Aug 1929 1929
184. North Sydney & Kirribilli. Fitzroy St archway, scaffolding up for beautifying the faces of the subway from Kirribilli side towards Alfred St. Taken about end Aug 1929 1929
185. Attempt to take through a gap between palings in a fence, the site of the turning of first sod 5 years ago 24 Aug 1924?. Taken towards end Aug 1929 1929
186. Looking south along Alfred St from its junction with Junction St. Elevated rail to cross road beyond 3rd tallest posts on left. Taken about end Aug 1929 1929
187. North Sydney Alterations. Looking up Blue St, and _ St to Walker St, showing Methodist Church between which is to be removed to make room for new direct road from Alfred St to Post Office. This will alter Junction St & Mount St. Taken about end Aug 1929 1929
188. The Harbour Bridge. View of both ends of Bridge from very elevated rock above the Upper School & St Aloysuis Kirribilli. Taken towards end of August 1929 1929
189. Looking up Junction St from Alfred St, about end Aug 1929 1929
190. Dawes Pt end. View underneath from near Milsons Pt side, 5th Sept 1929 1929
191. Milsons Pt end. 1st span up & 2nd started, 5th Sept 1929 1929
192. Alfred Street North Sydney, looking east of north. On right the archway over what is to be a new street. On extreme left of picture the elevated railway approaches which will be connected with top of archway. Left edge of picture had row of shops before resumption & demolition. Taken 1st week Dec 1929 1929
193. View in North Sydney. Miller St crossing. Picture taken from Post Office close by front[?] steps. A new road is to be made coming direct to observer either by removing Bank or to left of bank about line of front of tram. Taken 1st week in Dec 1929 1929
194. Dawes Pt end of Bridge and approaches to it from Observatory Hill (in view). Taken from Tram Terminus at McMahon's Point, where the Ferry Boats rest in slack time of day. Taken 1st week in Dec 1929 1929
195. Whole Bridge View. Taken from east edge of Lane Cove Road just south of Blue St & opposite Pres(?) Church. Taken 1st week in Dec 1929 1929
196. Dawes Point Bridge End. The 8th panel under construction as seen from ferry from McMahon's Point when approaching it crossing to Circular Quay. Taken 1st week in Dec 1929 1929
197. Milson's Point End of Bridge. From ferry on way to Circular Quay, 3rd span nearly finished. Taken 1st week Dec 1929 1929
198. Circular Quay. Site of station & overhead roadway to be constructed. Taken from NW corner of Pitt and Barton Sts, next door to Fire Station. The tunnel showing in distance alongside Farmer & Settlers Building is the entrance to underground railway in readiness from early years of Gt War. Taken 1st week Dec 1929 1929
199. Circular Quay. Closer view of Eastern end underground entrance to City Rail out of view, but Farmer & Settlers Building adjoining it just in centre of back picture. Taken 1st week in Dec 1929 1929
200. Bridge Series. View of both ends of Bridge from a position halfway between approaches to north end & Alfred St just in from Dinds Corner (prob[?] Fitzroy St), towards end of Feb 1930 1930
201. Bridge Series. View from ferry to McMahons Pt of south end of Bridge towards end of Feb 1930 1930
202. Harbour Bridge. Taken from a high point northern side, the building in foreground being the High school part of St Aloysius. Taken, when [?] accompanied about 26/6/30 1930
203. The Harbour Bridge from a tram at terminus McMahons Pt, 9.7.30 1930
204. The Harbour Bridge. Taken from north end of East Crescent St, McMahons Pt side a progress view, 2 or 3 views from same place already taken, 9.7.30 1930
205. In connection with rail & road Bridge area. This view is taken from outside Govt House grounds on western side through the iron railing & through a space between high buildings east of Sydney Cove. The French steamer La Perouse is lying at wharf on west side of the cove. The road from off the Harbour Bridge south is being formed on top of the Hill. The rail passes into tunnels in the cement structure seen hiding 2 trees which belong to Observatory Hill area. Taken 9.8.30 1930
206. The Harbour Bridge. View taken from the park adjoining west side of Govt House Grounds with the "Ventura" ready to leave for America (Frisco), half an hour before departure. The mast at east[?] and with flag flying almost coincides with each end of bridge. Taken Sat morn 9/8/30 1930
207. The Harbour Bridge. From extreme end of George St north, west side of Bridge & Dawes Pt. Taken a little before 9th Aug 1930 1930
208. The Harbour Bridge. Taken from a Milson's Pt ferry while passing under Bridge. The 2 central spans partly constructed showing the small gap intervening in [?] arch. Top pieces (top arch) still to be placed & one piece in both. Taken 9th Aug 1930 1930
209. Harbour Bridge. From McMahons Pt, showing lower edge of arch joined, and part of upper chords. Taken 22/8/30 1930
210. No 2 Panoramic Harbour Bridge. Showing Cong Church, archway under line alongside Alfred St. Gap in elevated rail to be crossed by steel bridge over Alfred St & continuation of elevated railway to right of tall pole. High St in near front. Take from Gas Coy grounds near large gasometer. Taken 1-9-30 1930
211. Harbour Bridge. From Gas Coys grounds from up above High St N. Sydney (in lower part of picture) showing Bridge Arch & northern approaches up to archway by Alfred St. The scaffolding is either an elevated roadway or for carrying line. Cong Church picture no 1 panoramic, Fitzroy St, Arch nr Bridge. Taken 1/9/30 1930
212. In connection with Bridge N. Sydney, from corner of Alfred & Junction Sts, workmen making alterations, to run up & down tram through the underway. Methodist Church in distance to be demolished to continue road direct on to Post Office seen right on edge of picture. Archway for Arthur[?] St in picture, 1.9.30 1930
213. Harbour Bridge. The elevated railway looking in direction of Harbour Bridge . Between the 3 openings (the tram being changed & also road temporarily through the furthest in picture) and the part of archway in distance lies Alred St to be crossed by steel structure. Road from off bridge should come from the distance between the 2 close left hand side poles. Taken 1-9-30 1930
214. In connection with N. Sydney Road. Improvements 3rd or 11th Nov 1930. On extreme right part of N S School to be demolished. On left the sunny side of house about centre or else north edge of new main road direct from Kirribilli station east of Alfred St to be in direct line to right of N.S. Post office. Really at present a meeting of lanes 1930
215. Harbour Bridge, 26/11/30. Progress of roadway seen from McMahon's Pt 1930
216. Harbour Bridge. Progress of roadway [?] 19/12/30 from McMahon's Point near wharf 1930
217. Harbour Bridge. Progress of roadway 19.12.30 from west side of Lavendar Bay 1930
218. From through side fence in Alfred St, view of roadway ramp up and between the Railway. Taken about 1st Feb 1931 1931
219. Site Nth Sydney Stn. Taken from short distance from [?] position of Meth Church but within railway area, & looking SE Bridge in view, 30/6/31 1931
220. In connection Bridge Railway. Demolition to make direct roadway from off Bridge. Nth Sydney Methodist Church to be demolished. Taken 30.6.31 after its closing. When demolished the direct road is through direction of left half of tree, Taken from south foot path of Junction St which becomes direct road 1931
221. North Sydney station area. View taken from the temporary overway & through an arch in the permanent overway & one of tunnels seen in distance. The first sod was turned before any excavation was made about 7 yrs before at nearly the level of the white fence. Taken 30/6/31 1931
222. North Sydney station area. From same spot as station was taken but looking opposite way in direction of tunnel. A temporary high level footway & beyond the permanent high level footway & also entry to station platforms. This footway also leads across Walker St to the Lavender Bay or south section. Taken 30-6-31 1931
223. Demolition to form Direct Rd from off Bridge to N.S. Post Office. This view taken on [?] from what will be the new road way. The near part a lane [?] run from Miller to Walker St. Beyond it where stores[?] are lying part was school yard, rest houses & a lane running off the near lane, into school site. This new road will be graded down to left of the photograph, a new bank to take place of one behind photographer, which will be demolished. Taken 30.6.31 1931
224. Demolition for Direct Road, Bridge to Post Office NS. Present junction of McMahons and Milsons Pt tram lines. From right to left are Electric Pole outside P.O, street, Hotel, Miller St, old NSW Bank to be demolished. [?] new Bank under construction which will be left hand corner of new roadway extreme left corner of Miller St, going up left to Ridge St. Between it & corner of picture not in view is Lane Cove Rd & new corner Paterson chemist in lieu of Commercial Bank. Taken 30.6.31 1931
225. Looking up new Junction St from Walker St. Top of Post office N. Sydney seen between the 2 boys or men in centre top & furthest rock. Probably taken early in Nov 1931 1931
226. Taken probably during early Nov 1931. Old Bank N Sydney, since demolished see later snap 1931
227. Line of new Junction St from Post Office North Sydney. New Bank Bldg lower down old street. Old Bank stood close to the tall central pole - old street corner. Taken about middle Dec 1931 1931
228. Taken 18/12/31. Some improvements show garden in corner. Many others not in view away to left 1931
229. Taken 18.12.31. View up Junction St grading operations showing big alteration to last snap taken about 5 weeks before 1931
230. Taken 18/12/31. View down the new Junction St showing grading excavations 1931
231. Part of Harbour Bridge Series. Progress view of new Junction St from old junction of _ lane & cross lane, elevated about 15ft above new roadway, showing workmen & position of last[?] of high cliff. On right part of N Syd school area. Buildings (back) in Walker St (close to Blue), Bridge beyond, mounds of metal for road & Railway area. Taken 18.2.32 1932
232. Part of Harbour Bridge Series. Progress view of new Junction St from old Bank site corner of Miller & Mount Sts, showing the cut away down in line, grade towards junction with Walker St with new Railway beyond leading round to Bridge not in view. Taken 18.2.32 1932
233. View of old main front buildings on left, Training School 1885 & other years, old trees, also the coat of arms on top of building. Taken from new boundary brick wall old stone wall line once Prince's St. but now the very wide approach to Harbour Bridge. Taken 22.2.32 1932
234. The approach to Bridge behind the observer from St Phillips in view, looking south from directly in front of old Fort St School entrance, old site used to be Princes St. School front boundary wall on right & thus this right half of view is site of the old street. Left half where the buildings stood on east side of Princes St. St Phillips tower left half & new Scots Church Bldgs tall beyond left hand lamp post. Taken 22.2.32 1932
235. Part of Harbour Bridge Series. Looking from junction of Walker & new Junction St. up latter to Post Office NS showing back of big cliff that was cut away, men & lorries at work in mid distance. Taken 22.2.32 1932
236. The Procession. A Scotch Band followed by Bridge workers. Taken 19.3.32. Bridge opening day 1932
237. Bridge Opening Day 19.3.32 Sat. Partly panoramic but at different times of crowd in Miller St looking up upper Mount St between Hotel & Post Office at 10.20 am 1932
238. Bridge Opening Day 19.3.32 Sat. Partly panoramic but at different times of crowd in Miller St at Post Office & up Lane Cove Rd at 11 am about 1 hr before head of procession appeared. 1932
239. The Procession. Bridge Opening Day 19.3.32. The Bridge workers followed by _ 1932
240. The Procession. Bridge Opening Day 19.3.32. The wool float 1932
241. The Boy from Victoria rode [?]. In procession, 19.3.32 1932
242. Blue St NS undated
243. About opposite corner of Lavender St & Alfred St undated
244. [View of unidentified street with houses] undated
245. ? 9/1928 (velox) 1928
246. Dawes Pt from ferry, 9/1928 (velox) 1928
247. Milsons Pt from a ferry, 9/1928 (velox) 1928
248. ? 9/1928 1928
249. [View of Sydney Harbour Bridge, ca. 1931-1932] ca. 1931-1932
250. In connection with N. Sydney Road. Improvements 3rd or 11th Nov 1930. The reverse view of the other from front of college in other looking up direction of new road to be with P.O showing in centre. Buildings between being already demolished in present tram road as well as bare space left & front of this snap 1930
251. Taken 15/4/31. The N.S. Methodist Church on its tranquil site now in way of new & widened road from Alfred St direct to P.O. To be demolished the last service therein was to be held on Sun 19th or 26th April 1931 1931
252. In Glen St looking up the rise towards Alfred St undated
253. Harbour View, looking west. Milson's Pt right, Dawes Pt left. Future Bridge will appear right across centre picture, last Qr 1923 1923
254. Homes since demolished east of Alfred St (see Cong Ch spire) undated
255. An old time 1870s & 1880s terrace in William St N. Sydney taken from green slope in front Miller St (Lane Cove Rd) behind observer. 2nd house from right believed to where mater[?] took AGM when 6 or 7 or 8 yrs of age '71 to '73 to her Uncle old Mr Denshire & daughter Mrs Selfe. Taken 1st week Dec 1929 1929
256. Self[?] taken 17.12.31. Albert Mitchell, J. Lloyd's g'father 1931