The Institution of Radio and Electronic Engineers : Record of documents in custody of IREE Foundation

Box No Contents
1 Council Management Committee papers, 1/4/1996 to 27/4/2000
Council papers, 18/5/1991 to 15/8/2000
2 Press cuttings
Historical mementoes of Leonard Schultz
Agreement between IREE and IEAust
Correspondence with patrons
ERDA Trust
Correspondence between IREE and IEAust about publications
Miscellaneous correspondence
Council papers, 1976, 1977, 1978
Council elections
Council ballots
3 Dunrossil Memorial Lecture minutes
Council committee minute book 1960-1974
4 Articles and Memorandum, several versions and dates
File on history of IREE
Press cuttings
Wireless Institute (the organisation from which the IRE was formed)
IRE letters from Sydney, 1934-1942
5 Council committee minute books 1939-1963, 1988-1997
6 Various instruction manuals relating to radio and engineering hardware
7 Council minutes 1928-1941 incl Wireless Institute minutes 1924-1928
8 Historical notes
Historical notes and correspondence
IRE forms (originals and proformas)
Foundation members of IRE (joined 1932)
Office bearers from 1932 and membership information
Honorary Life Members of IREE
Approved regulations
Membership list, 1964
Membership list and constitution, 1951
Membership list, 1975
By-law amendments
IREE medallion
IRE medallion presented to E. G. Beard, 1937
World Radio Convention, Sydney, 1937, Medallion
Norman W. V. Hayes Medal, presented to D. G. Lindsay, 1950
9 B.K. Preistley medal papers 1987-1998
Norman W. V. Hayes Medal papers 1975-1999
Long service awards
Awards of honour papers 1975-1996
IREE awards - general 1976-1978
Oswald Mingay awards papers 1974-1995
V.F. Kenna memorial award papers 1988- 1994
Pither memorial papers 1973-1982
10 Golden Jubilee Publication, 1932-1982
IREE Royal Charter and Bylaws (1980 printing)
Annual general meeting minutes book 1975-199
11 IREE council minute book 5/5/1932-23/3/1938
WIA executive council minute book 18/8/1925-19/12/1927
Council minutes book 1965-1968
12 IRE Executive Committee minutes 1938-1945
Council minute cook 24/4/1941-15/3/1944
WIA council minute books 11/10/1921-28/1/1924, 20/10/1930-11/7/1932
13 Miscellaneous historic records correspondence incl petitions for Royal Charter
14 Photographs, "mug shots" of members in identified envelopes
Miscellaneous photos, some identified
15 Photos of functions, in envelopes, with each envelope identifying the relevant function
16 Photographs, many identified and labelled
17 Photos of functions, in envelopes, with each envelope identifying the relevant function
18 Photographs, many identified and labelled
19 Photographs, including "mug shots" of members in identified envelopes
20 Miscellaneous photographs and photo album, some identified
21 Photographs, including Divisions, "mug shots" of members in identified envelopes
22 Photo albums, includes photographs of 1963 convention
Copy of correspondence relating to the isssue of a wireless telegraphy license 1913
Proceedings of the World Radio Convention in Sydney 1938.
Fathers of radio" etchings
23 Old IRE membership certificates
Press cuttings
Photo albums
24 World Radio Convention, 1938 Photos
Bound facsimile of Royal Charter
Album of 1977 convention photos
Album of 1950 and 1959 convention photos
Album of 19?? convention photos (John Hiller Presidential year)
25X The Royal Charter
26X The Presidents' Medallions chain of office