Cascades and Slopen Island, Tasmania: weekly returns of prisoners received and discharged, Cascades, 5 Mar. 1843, 1 Jul. to 9 Sep. 1843; numerical returns of probationers, Slopen Is., Jul. 1843 to Jan. 1844; plus 5 misc. memos

TAS PAPERS 137 Microfilm roll no. CY 3892
Frame Location Date From To Contents
93 Eaglehawk Neck 16/9/1843 letter requisition for 8 dog chains
94 Launceston 23/11/1843 Griffiths Booth payment of ₤1.4.8 for postage (portage?)
95 Launceston 23/11/1843 Griffiths Booth payment of ₤1.10.0 re Private Kilbourne
96 Hobart 17/11/1843 Eardley Wilmot Booth request for return on tonnage of firewood sent
97 Cascades 5/3/1843 Kerr Booth nominal return of movements at Cascades Probation Station, for the week ending 5/3/1843
98 Cascades 9/3/1843 Kerr Booth 5/3/43 return cont.; 4 men to Point Puer, etc.
99 Cascades 27/6/1843 Lavender Booth memo arrival of Catechist Searle; Parker to C.M.
100 Cascades 1/7/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 1/7/1843
101 Cascades 8/7/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 8/7/1843
102 Cascades 15/7/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 15/7/1843
103 Cascades 22/7/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 22/7/1843
104 Cascades 29/7/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 29/7/1843
105 Cascades 5/8/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 5/8/1843
106 Cascades 12/8/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 12/8/1843
107 Cascades 14/8/1843 Lavender Booth request for rope to be supplied
108 Cascades 19/8/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 19/8/1843
109 Cascades 24/8/1843 Lavender Booth memo arrival of Storekeeper Magill
110 Cascades 26/8/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 26/8/1843
111 Cascades 2/9/1843 Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 2/9/1843
112 Cascades 8/9/1843 Booth Lavender charge of 4 s. for horse-shoes against Lt. Barclay
113 Cascades Lavender Booth movements at Cascades, w.e. 9/9/1843
114 Launceston 5/7/1850 Gunn Col Sec application for admission of free pauper Valentine Styles to hospital, Impression Bay
115 Slopen Island 22/7/1843 Kerr Booth Styles cont.; movements at S. Is., w.e. 22/7/1843
116 Slopen Island 29/7/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 29/7/1843
117 Slopen Island 10/8/1843 Kerr Booth memo arrival of Asst. Supt. Lathbury
118 Slopen Island 12/8/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 12/8/1843
119 Slopen Island 19/8/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 19/8/1843
120 Slopen Island 26/8/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 26/8/1843
121 Slopen Island 2/9/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 2/9/1843
122 Slopen Island 7/9/1843 Kerr Booth memo re Lathbury's ration
123 Slopen Island 16/9/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 16/9/1843
124 Slopen Island 11/9/1843 Kerr Booth letter blacksmith & carpenter shops burned down
125 Slopen Island 23/9/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 23/9/1843
126 Slopen Island 7/10/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 7/10/1843
127 Slopen Island 28/10/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 28/10/1843
128 Slopen Island 31/10/1843 Kerr Booth 27 convicts in chains at Slopen Is. on 31/10/1843
128 Slopen Island 21/10/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 21/10/1843
129 Slopen Island 4/11/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 4/11/1843
129 Slopen Island 18/11/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 18/11/1843
130 Slopen Island 27/11/1843 Kerr Booth memo arrival of Medical Officer Carruthers
130 Slopen Island 25/11/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 25/11/1843
131 Slopen Island 11/11/1843 Culley Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 11/11/1843
131 Slopen Island 2/12/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 2/12/1843
132 Slopen Island 13/11/1843 Culley Booth memo arrival of Overseer Madden? and family
133 Slopen Island 9/12/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 9/12/1843
133 Slopen Island 16/12/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 16/12/1843
134 Boat, Slopen Island 14/12/1843 Hughes Booth memo arrival of boatman Mather
135 Boat, Slopen Island 14/12/1843 Hughes Booth memo arrival of boatman Mather
136 Slopen Island 18/12/1843 Kerr Booth memo re quarterly requisition
137 Slopen Island 23/12/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 23/12/1843
137 Slopen Island 30/12/1843 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 30/12/1843
138 Slopen Island 6/1/1844 Kerr Booth movements at Slopen Is., w.e. 6/1/1844
Copyright Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority (PAHSMA) 2018. Reproduced with permission from PAHSMA.